Our Farm Cares - Cheers!
In late 2018, we were honored to become a Farm Cares Award Recipient that shows that our blueberry plants are grown to not only bring health benefits to all of us but also to positively contribute to our environment.
The County Alliance for Responsible Environmental Stewardship (CARES) program was created in 2001 to publicly recognize Florida farmers and ranchers who demonstrate exemplary efforts to protect Florida’s natural resources by implementing Best Management Practices (BMPs).
Since 2010, we have established best management programs (BMPs) here at Island Grove Ag Products to ensure that we continue to give back to the environment as we receive our nutrients. We recently transitioned our North Florida farm from conventional to fully organic.
As wine producers, we are excited to know that the fruits we grow here on our North Florida farms are free of all harmful chemicals! We love that we are able to enjoy a great glass of wine knowing that we are being good stewards of the earth. Check out thisfarmscares.org to learn more about how farms and ranchers across our beautiful Sunshine State have transitioned into environment friendly farms and ranches. We strive to protect Florida’s natural resources and are proud to announce that we are apart of a team that truly cares about are State.
We are Farm Cares Farmers!
